Web Scraping Using Python Beautifulsoup

  1. Web Scraping Using Python Beautifulsoup Code
  2. Web Scraping Using Python Beautifulsoup Github
  3. Web Scraping Using Python Beautifulsoup Pdf
  4. Web Scraping Using Python Beautifulsoup 2

1 day ago  It is a python web scraping library to make web scraping smart, automatic fast, and easy. It is lightweight as well it means it will not impact your PC much. A user can easily use this tool for data scraping because of its easy-to-use interface. To get started, you just need to type few lines of codes and you’ll see the magic. Implementing steps to Scrape Google Search results using BeautifulSoup We will be implementing BeautifulSoup to scrape Google Search results here. BeautifulSoup is a Python library that enables us to crawl through the website and scrape the XML and HTML documents, webpages, etc. Scrape Google Search results for Customized search. HTML Web Scraping using some tool like bs4 # Step 0: Install all the requirements # pip install requests # pip install bs4 # pip install html5lib import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup url = '# Step 1: Get the HTML r = requests.get(url) htmlContent = r.content # print(htmlContent) # Step 2: Parse the HTML soup = BeautifulSoup(htmlContent, 'html.parser') #.

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SeleniumAutomation TestingTesting Tools

We can parse a website using Selenium and Beautiful Soup in Python. Web Scraping is a concept used to extract content from the web pages, used extensively in Data Science and metrics preparation. In Python, it is achieved with the BeautifulSoup package.


To have BeautifulSoup along with Selenium, we should run the command −

Let us scrap the below links appearing on the page −

Then investigate the html structure of the above elements −



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PythonServer Side ProgrammingProgramming

BeautifulSoup is a class in the bs4 module of python. Basic purpose of building beautifulsoup is to parse HTML or XML documents.

Installing bs4 (in-short beautifulsoup)

Web Scraping Using Python Beautifulsoup Code

It is easy to install beautifulsoup on using pip module. Just run the below command on your command shell.

Running above command on your terminal, will see your screen something like -

To verify, if BeautifulSoup is successfully installed in your machine or not, just run below command in the same terminal−

Successful, great!.

Example 1

Find all the links from an html document Now, assume we have a HTML document and we want to collect all the reference links in the document. So first we will store the document as a string like below −

Now we will create a soup object by passing the above variable html_doc in the initializer function of beautifulSoup.


Web Scraping Using Python Beautifulsoup Github

Now we have the soup object, we can apply methods of the BeautifulSoup class on it. Now we can find all the attributes of a tag and values in the attributes given in the html_doc.

From above code we are trying to get all the links in the html_doc string through a loop to get every <a> in the document and get the href attribute.

Below is our complete code to get all the links from the html_doc string.


Web Scraping Using Python Beautifulsoup

Example 2

Prints all the links from a website with specific element (for example: python) mentioned in the link.

Web Scraping Using Python Beautifulsoup Pdf

Below program will print all the URLs from a specific website which contains “python” in there link.

Web Scraping Using Python Beautifulsoup 2
