

  1. gedit
    1. Installation

Gedit is an open source text editor application for Linux-based operating systems. It is mostly used under the GNOME desktop environment, but you can also install it on other open source window. As @kra3 said before you can open everything in one window with gedit. But be careful as this opens everything in the folder, including non-text files and folders so I suggest using a more specific glob pattern instead, such as gedit.cpp(for all cpp files). More on glob patterns. Re: Using gedit as root: 'Gtk-WARNING.: cannot open display:' The display should be open for su and su -l sessions thanks to the optional pamxauth module (which is commented out in sudo): Code.

gedit is the text editor of the GNOME desktop environment.

The first goal of gedit is to be easy to use, with a simple interface by default. More advanced features are available by enabling plugins.

Notable Features

  • Files are opened in tabs
  • Full support for internationalized text (UTF-8)
  • Syntax highlighting for lots of languages (Python, Shell, C, C++, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, Markdown and many others)

  • Configurable fonts and colors
  • Print and print preview support
  • Search and replace with support of regular expressions
  • A side panel with an integrated file browser
  • Spell-checking
  • Word auto-completion
  • Undo/Redo
  • Auto indentation
  • Text wrapping
  • Line numbers
  • Right margin
  • Highlight current line
  • Highlight matching brackets
  • Editing files from remote locations
  • Backup files
  • A flexible plugin system which can be used to dynamically add new advanced features
  • List of plugins distributed with gedit



Gedit Download

On Windows

gedit is available on the Microsoft Store: gedit for Windows.

On macOS

  • macOS packages (a bit outdated)

  • A Homebrew formula for the latest version of gedit is available: brew install gedit

On Linux

gedit is installed by default with many Linux distributions, otherwise you can install the gedit and gedit-plugins packages.

Gedit Plugin Git

Getting in Touch

  • file

  • IRC channel: the #gedit channel on

  • Discourse (Applications category, gedit tag)

  • Old mailing list

  • Reporting bugs (see the list of common gedit bugs)

Gedit plugin git

See Also

  • Third-party plugins

  • List of extra style/color schemes

  • List of extra syntax highlighting definition files
